Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Showgirl Babies

These are my Showgirl babies out of a black silkie cross - Mya.

Sebastapol Babies

These babies - pic taken 5/16/08 are being shipped today - my birthday - May 20th - I should have them tomorrow.....I am so excited!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Frizzle Cochin

Here is one of my two white frizzle cochin babies. They are a month old.

Buff Brahma Babies

Here is photo's of my two buff brahma babies.

New Frizzle Babies

These are my one month old frizzled cochins from Privett Hatchery. I am planning on adding them to my cochin pen.
I really like the white one's.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

White Jap Roo

This is one of my White Jap roo's - I need a couple of hens for them. Very nice birds, if I do say so.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Mya - Black Sizzle

Mya means business - she is quite possessive and vocal about anyone approaching her nest! She is mated to Cassius. UpDate!!! we have babies!!!! I gave her Ms Banty's brood and she now has
12 peeps to care for. I have several of her chicks by Cassius. Update 5/4/2008 - I mated her with my young showgirl roo, Adam, and have 6+ eggs in the bator due out around 5/20/2008 - my birthday!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!